About us

Our company

Papas E. Escrivà: Chips made with traditional boiler

Papes E. Escrivá is a family business that was born in 1918 at the hands of our founder José María Escrivá to offer products for the aperitif such as the well-known potatoes in the town of Oliva, and that little by little has been expanding its activity until today, already by the 4th generation.

Our products are distinguished by the large selection of raw materials, both potatoes and oil and salt. At Papas E. Escrivà we always prioritize quality over price. That is why we are very attentive throughout the production process. An example of this is the frying point, since the potatoes must be fried at the right temperature to obtain that golden color that characterizes our product, so that they are crisp in the right measure.

  • High quality products
  • The best customer service
  • 30 day money back guarantee

Our Team


Hoy en día, seguimos innovando para ofrecer una amplia gama de productos aparte de nuestras papas artesanas tradicionales, como papas con varios sabores, snacks y cereales para el desayuno, que respondan a las demandas del mercado, y a la vez ofrezcan la máxima calidad. Por ello, cuidamos cada detalle y realizamos nuestros productos con la mejor selección de ingredientes. Siendo nuestra prioridad la satisfacción de nuestros clientes.


We offer

“At Papes E. Escrivà we don't stop betting on:
Top quality products
Productive innovation
The best customer service "

Papes E. Escrivá
